Increasingly, scientific evidence shows that human beings are comprised of an energetic system that is highly integrated with the physical body, emotions, and the spirit. When methods of therapeutic energy healing are incorporated with modern healthcare modalities, positive client outcomes result. Music, sound healing, meditation, therapeutic touch, healing touch, reiki, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, qigong, and acupuncture are therapies that can result in enhanced health and healing for many individuals.
The outcome of this certificate is for the learner to describe the foundations of energy medicine, including the biofield (human energy field), the chakras, music and sound, meditation, qigong, and acupuncture.
(10 contact hours)
Expiration Date (Next date of course revision): 08/05/2027
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Accreditation refers to recognition of continuing nursing education only and does not imply ALLEGRA approval or endorsement of any commercial product.
American Nurses Credentialing Center
ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC is accredited with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
ALLEGRA Learning Solutions courses are acceptable for continuing education in all states.
American Board of Managed Care Nursing
The American Board of Managed Care Nursing recognizes all of ALLEGRA Learning Solutions' ANCC accredited courses for continuing education credit for Certified Managed Care Nurses (CMCNs).
National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors
ALLEGRA Learning Solutions is an approved provider with the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) (Provider #107194).
National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators
ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. To satisfy the requirement for renewal of certification by continuing education for the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE), continuing education activities must be applicable to diabetes and approved by a provider on the NCBDE List of Recognized Providers ( NCBDE does not approve continuing education.
Instructor(s):Cyndie Koopsen
Cyndie Koopsen, RN, BSN, MBA, HNB-BC, RN-BC, HWNC-BC is a nurse who has cared for patients in acute care settings, community clinics, and the home. Her professional nursing career has involved nursing executive leadership and administration, accreditation consultation, staff development and education, community education and wellness, and holistic care. She has designed, developed, and presented numerous educational programs for audiences covering integrative health, promotion and wellness, and chronic disease management and prevention. She is the co-author (with Caroline Young) of two health care textbooks. She is the co-CEO and co-founder of ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC and has designed and developed over 300 online professional continuing education courses.
Caroline Young
Caroline Young, M.P.H., has an extensive public health background that includes experience in research, workshop presentations in various areas of health care, and online and onsite teaching. She has expertise in holistic community health and wellness program design, development, marketing, implementation, and evaluation. She has also designed, developed, and presented integrative health programs for culturally diverse populations, senior populations, and faith communities. She is the co-author (with Cyndie Koopsen) of two health care textbooks. She is the co-CEO and co-founder of ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC and has designed and developed over 300 online professional continuing education courses.
Hardware Requirements:
- This course can be taken on either a PC, Mac, or Chromebook.
Software Requirements:
- PC: Windows 10 or later.
- Mac: macOS 10.6 or later.
- Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred. Microsoft Edge and Safari are also compatible.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.
- Email capabilities and access to a personal email account.
Instructional Material Requirements:
The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online.
Completion Requirements:
You must complete all lessons to receive your certificate. You must pass the final exam in all lessons with a score of 80% or higher AND complete the Evaluation Form in order to receive your Certificate of Completion. Finals are graded as Pass or No Pass. Receipt of your certificate indicates successful completion of the course and that you have passed all final exams with a score of 80% or greater. You may retake final exams as many times as necessary within the duration of the course at no additional charge.
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Lesson 1
The Biofield (Human Energy Field): Foundation for Energy Medicine
Energy is everything. Everything in the universe is in motion, even a rock at an atomic and subatomic level. Science is increasingly showing that human beings are comprised of an energy system that is highly integrated with the physical body, emotions, and the spiritual aspect of individuals. Energy healing is a practice that recognizes that energy is a vital, living, moving force, which is instrumental in determining health and well-being. The primary function of energy healing is to change the frequency of the body's energetic fields, channels, and centers to improve health and enhance healing.
The outcome of this course is for the learner to describe the foundations of energy medicine, including the biofield (human energy field), the auric layers, and the chakras.
Music and Sound as Energy Medicine
In an age where people increasingly turn to holistic methods of healing, music therapy and sound healing have entered mainstream health care and can be used successfully with people of all ages and disabilities.
The outcome of this course is for the learner to describe the principles, interventions, therapeutic uses, and physiological and psychological responses of music therapy and sound healing.
Meditation for Health and Energy
Meditation is a mind-body practice with many methods and variations that are all grounded in the silence and stillness of present-moment awareness. The regular practice of meditation not only calms and helps focus the mind, it is also an effective practice for increased energy. Evidence of meditation's health effects has been well documented. The practice offers improvement in the symptoms of various disease conditions, and the experience of a deeper spiritual connection.
The outcome of this course is for the learner to describe the effects of meditation on the brain, health conditions, and energy, including its psychological and physiological effects.
Energy Medicine Therapies: Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Reiki, Reflexology, and Craniosacral Therapy
The concept that energy systems are part of the human interactive environment and a powerful part of therapeutic healing techniques has been part of many cultures for centuries. Energy medicine therapies use gentle techniques thought to help balance a person's energy field and accelerate healing of the body, mind and spirit. Therapeutic Touch®, Healing Touch, reiki, reflexology, and craniosacral therapy are common methods explored in this course.
The outcome of this course is for the learner to describe various types, methods, and health benefits of energy medicine therapies.
Essentials of Qigong
Qigong is an integrated mind-body-spirit energy healing discipline that has been practiced in China for thousands of years. Qigong is more than exercise. It is a holistic system of self-healing with a focus on posture and movement, breathing techniques, and meditation. Increased range of motion, increased stamina, increased strength, improved balance, and coordination are enhanced by the practice of qigong.
The outcome of this course is for the learner to describe the practice and health benefits of qigong.
Acupuncture as Energy Medicine
The ancient Chinese healing practice of acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat many ailments, especially pain. Today, this therapy that addresses disharmony in the body, mind, and spirit is widely practiced throughout China and is used by millions of individuals in the United States and many other countries. This course explores the history of acupuncture, the theories involved in its practice (including yin and yang, qi, the meridian system, and causes of disharmony), the types and benefits of acupuncture, as well as possible complications and contraindications of the therapy and training issues.
The outcome of this course is for the learner to describe the practice, theories, and clinical efficacy of acupuncture.
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