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The Teen Brain

ID : 12398   
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CourseGraphic One of the most turbulent periods in brain development occurs during adolescence. The teen brain actually functions very differently from the adult brain. Certain kinds of thinking, such as decision-making, actually happen in different parts of the brain for adolescents and adults. Understanding these complex changes can help calm the rough seas of the teen years, but also provide your teen with critical support and understanding that will promote better decision-making, better mental health, and better outcomes at school. Come find out the important ways in which the teen brain is developing. Identify behaviors and attitudes that are influenced by these changes. Then learn to offer constructive strategies for establishing a better understanding of and communication with your amazing teen. Agenda Unit 1: Brain Development -The Brain Under Construction -Hormones -The Evolutionary Advantage Unit 2: How the Teen Brain is Different from The Adult Brain -The pre-frontal cortex -The Amygdala -Risk-taking Unit 3: How Teens Make Decisions -The Need for stimulation -Emotions -Problem-solving -Behavior Unit 4: Your Teen at School -Learning Strategies -Technology -Exercise -Gender Differences

Class Details

Online 24/7




Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
6/3/2024 - 6/28/2024 Online 24/7 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM TBD